The Ready to Work Program is specifically designed to assist adults with disabilities in achieving and maintaining competitive employment within their communities. With personalized support, job coaching, and consistent assistance, BBDCS’ Ready to Work ensures these individuals can navigate the challenges of the workplace and secure jobs that match their skills and interests.
Our program places a strong emphasis on collaboration with local employers, families, and other stakeholders, which aims to foster an inclusive work environment and provide continuous support for job retention and success.
At Ready to Work, our mission is to empower adults with developmental disabilities by providing hands-on training and real-world job skills. But don’t just take our word for it—our clients’ success stories speak for themselves!
Pre-Employment Transition Services
(Pre-ETS) assists high school students with disabilities with work readiness skills so they are prepared for life after high school.
Areas of focus include:
Job exploration
Work-based learning experiences
Workplace readiness training to develop social skills
Self-advocacy and life skills
Building Bridges partners with the Arkansas Rehabilitation Services and local high schools to provide Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) to high school juniors and seniors.
In the first semester (13 weeks), Pre-ETS students work in class to improve skills such as self-advocacy and post-secondary mentorship. The second semester (16 weeks), students are provided with unpaid and paid (8 weeks) work experience within the community.
During the year, the student receives ongoing support from the Ready to Work Pre-ETS Job Developer, who not only coordinates job placement for students, but also works with employers to find an applicant who best fits their needs.
Enrolled in a secondary education setting and have an IEP or 504 plan
Letter of approval from Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
School districts are responsible for choosing students
Trades to Explore/Worksites
On campus gym, library, office, IT department, sports dept.,etc.
Off-site can be public libraries, resale shops, museums, restaurants, hardware stores, childcare centers, senior citizen centers, auto dealer, parks & rec, specialty shops, ice cream parlors, city municipalities
Explore career options with panels of employers to discuss job skills and desired behaviors.
Develop an understanding of workplace values and expectations.
Identify and visit workplace clusters (industry category) that lead to job matching the student’s capability.
Develop a person-centered career and education plan.
Ready to Work Vocational Program
Ready to Work Vocational Program is a daily program for post-high school students to receive work-based learning in a comfortable, skill-level-appropriate setting. After high school, many adults with disabilities face an uncertain future in the workplace, where they are either unemployed or underemployed despite their ability and willingness to work and contribute to society.
At Ready to Work, we believe that all people regardless of their level of ability, should have the necessary support to enable them to find and keep community jobs based on their interests and strengths, which is why we have developed this unique daytime work development program.
Every day, RTW students arrive at our training facility to work on topics that prepare them to be successful employees in the workplace. Those topics include:
Work readiness to enter into a competitive, integrated market.
Career connections and how to be successful in these environments
Socialization and life skills to become a productive member of their community
Goal setting that is centered on what the student desires to do and how to get there.
They attend classes designed to equip students to become competitive in an integrated market. During these classes, they discuss how to fill out applications, interview techniques and mock interviews, review online job postings, and learn how to navigate the system of services and resources available to them.
Six diagnoses for ADDT: Cerebal palsy, Spina biffida, epilepsy, Autism, IDD, and Down syndrome
HS diploma or letter of completion from HS
Eligible for Medicaid
Overcome barriers and challenges to life and find solutions
Develop an understanding of workplace values and expectations.
Person-centered planning
Support of the student going through the application process and getting a job
Continued education/training in life skills;
BBDCS Ready to Work Supported Employment Services
BBDCS Ready to Work Supported Employment Services secures jobs and support for individuals with disabilities allowing them to earn an income, pay taxes, and continuously and independently support themselves. Partnering with Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, Supported Employment Service focuses not only on developing jobs, but also on-the-job training and follow-along supports.
The BBDCS RTW job developer coordinates job placement at local businesses in the community by building relationships with employers. Once a position has been identified, the employer must be willing to hire a qualified individual for a position in their organization that pays at least minimum wage, provides at least 15 hours of work per week, and provide orientation to the individual with clear expectations of the job duties.
Once an individual his hired, the BBDCS RTW job coach will initially be present during any work hours to support the individual in learning how to do the job, determine if the individual has any support needs for successful job performance, and assist the individual in meeting the demands of the workplace. Over time, the job coach will spend less time supervising the individual but continue to provide follow-along support by monitoring the employee’s progress on a weekly or monthly basis.
Before you are hired, Ready to Work can help with:
Finding a job that’s a fit for YOU through job matching
Writing a resume
Applying for jobs
Prepping for an interview
Completing new hire paperwork
After you are hired, Ready to Work staff assists in:
Assisting with developing and achieving professional goals
Job orientation and training (as needed)
Checking-in periodically with the employer and employee
Providing solutions to barriers such as travel, etc.