It’s important to start helping children who experience difficulties as early as possible because it gives them a better chance to improve and helps avoid more significant problems as they get older. 

Enrollment referrals can be made by parents, physicians, family, or anyone who has knowledge of the child.  After the initial contact, our specialists will collaborate with your child’s primary care provider and request the results of the latest well-child check-up or EPSDT screening.  The results of this screening will determine if a referral for further services within the EIDT setting is necessary.  

If delays are suspected, a formal comprehensive evaluation will be scheduled with BBDCS.  Acceptance to the center is made by the director and program coordinators based on the child’s age, classroom availability, staffing availability, transportation needs, and funding sources.  Upon enrollment, each child receives an individualized treatment plan developed with family members and instructors to meet the unique needs of the child. 

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